Center for Global Studies (CGS)

Doctoral Students

Letícia Ortega

Historisches Institut

Postal Address
Graduate School of the Arts and Humanities
Center for Global Studies
Walter Benjamin Kolleg
Universität Bern
Muesmattstrasse 45
CH-3012 Bern

Letícia Ortega

B.A. in International Relations at the Institutos Superiores de Ensino LaSalle RJ, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. M.A. in Strategic Defence and Security Studies at the Universidade Federal Fluminense, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Author of the book “Tradição e Ruptura: o Brasil e o Regime Internacional de Não Proliferação Nuclear”, published in Brazil by Appris in 2018. Ph.D. student at the Historical Institute of the University of Bern since 2019, with a thesis about the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty understood as a border between the nuclear superpowers and those other signatories of the Treaty who cannot develop their nuclear research for military purposes.

Title of PhD Project

The Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty as a border between the haves & have nots: a study case of Brazil

Research Foci

International Relations | Global Studies | Cold War | Nuclear Proliferation | Non-Proliferation Treaty | Nuclear Policy | International Security | National Defence | Foreign Policy | Core, Semi-Periphery and Periphery | Latin America | Brazil | Diplomacy