Center for Global Studies (CGS)

Doctoral Students

Dr. des. Thomas Gartmann

Historisches Institut

Postal Address
Graduate School of the Arts and Humanities
Center for Global Studies
Walter Benjamin Kolleg
Universität Bern
Muesmattstrasse 45
CH-3012 Bern

Thomas Gartmann

Studies in History and Sociology in Bern und Amsterdam. Since 2016 joint-PhD with supervisors Prof. Dr. Thomas Späth in Bern and Prof. Dr. Paul Erdkamp at VUB in Brussel, kindly funded by scholarships from Gerda Henkel Stiftung, Janggen-Pöhn Stiftung and SFEFS. Assistant at the department ‘Alte Geschichte und Rezeptionsgeschichte der Antike’ at Uni Bern since 2020.

Title of PhD Project

Stürme, Seuchen, Spekulanten. Antike Beurteilungen der Ursachen von Versorgungsengpässen in Rom
(Storms, Plagues, Speculators. Ancient Appraisals of the Causes of Food Shortages in Rome)

Research Foci

Roman History | Grain supply | Crises | Hunger | Plagues | Ancient Historiography | Agrarian History | Emperor Nero