
Konferenzen und Workshops


The Unholy Trinity

Symposium on Discourses and Practices in the Framing of “American Music

Prof. Dr. Britta Sweers, Mat Callahan, Dr. Franz Andres Morrissey

Datum: 10.–11. Februar 2023
Ort: Universität Bern, Mittelstrasse

This symposium critically examined the historical and musical record, focused on American music as it has come to be recognised throughout the world, not only in relation to its formation as “American,” but also in relation to its influence on musical and social practices within and outside the United States. As was argued here, three institutions, the academy, the music industry and journalism, have promulgated an image of what American music is, where it came from and its relation to the project of nation-building, so essential to the United States. Although this image is largely a fiction, it has successfully obscured both the motives for its creation and the actual music and musicians it has displaced. The symposium was aimed at documenting the mechanisms by which this was accomplished while bringing to light many examples of the music that was buried in the process.

Cyprus and the Anatolian South Coast

Cyprus and the Anatolian South Coast from the Late Bronze to the Early Iron Age

Prof. Dr. Mirko Novák, Dr. Teresa Bürge, Dr. Ekin Kozal

Datum: 6–8 Mai 2023
Ort: Universität Bern, Mittelstrasse

Twenty-one papers were presented by twenty-five scholars affiliated with institutions in Turkey, Cyprus, Switzerland, Germany/Czech Republic, Israel, France and Sweden. Scholars of all career stages were represented, starting from PhD students to professors. The audience comprised of around 20 to 30 additional attendants on sites, both from the University of Bern as well as from other Swiss and German institutions. Furthermore, online streaming via zoom was provided, with an average of 20 to 30 attendants from across the world. For further details, see programme and abstracts attached.

Programme and Abstracts

Consuming the City

Social-Cultural practices of Consumption in Latin America

Prof. Dr. Andrés Dapuez, Dr. Melina Teubner

June 13 & 14, 2023
Ort: Campus do Gragoatá – Auditório do PPGH, Bloco O, 5° andar

Latin America is one of the most urbanized regions on earth. At the same time, the one with the highest social inequality indexes in the world. This workshop will investigate how Latin American cities are altered and spatially transformed by consumption related processes, transforming Latin American cities into laboratories for experimenting with new possibilities of sociality. Wealth (re)distribution and social policies seem to relate to urban consumption in a particular reproduction of social inequality in which values, attitudes, ideas and political measures influenced urban struggles and definitively changed the future of the city as a social device.


Extraction, Sovereignty and Resources in the Long Great Acceleration

Writing Global Economic and Environmental Histories, 1800-2000

Dr. Moritz von Brescius

Datum: August, 28-29
Ort: Bern


Beyond Tradition

Vorpremiere: Beyond Tradition

Dr. Lea Hagmann

Datum: 09.10.2023
Ort: Bern, Kino Rex

An der Vorpremiere des musikethnologischen Dokumentarfilms "Beyond Tradition: Kraft der Naturstimmen" des CGS-Mitglieds Dr. Lea Hagmann nahmen über 80 Personen teil. Der Film ist in Zusammenarbeit von Lea Hagmann (Center for Global Studies / Musikwissenschaftliches Institut) und Rahel von Gunten entstanden. Für ihren Film unter der Produktion von ExtraMileFilms haben die beiden Filmemacherinnen eine Auszeichnung des International Council for Traditions of Music and Dance (ICTMD), der grössten musikethnologischen Gesellschaft weltweit, als «Best Documentary Film or Video 2023» erhalten. Das Preiskomitee schreibt: «The film includes beautiful music and showcases excellent materials. Beyond Tradition is able to capture different cultural practices and musical activities”. Das Center for Global Studies (CGS) nahm diese Auszeichnung als Anlass zum Feiern und offerierte ab 19:00 Uhr ein Apéro im Foyer des Kino Rex vor der Filmvorführung. An der Vorstellung waren die beiden Autorinnen und Regisseurinnen Dr. Lea Hagmann und Rahel von Gunten vor Ort und warfen im anschliessenden Filmgespräch einen Blick hinter die Dreharbeiten.


Atlantic Crossings

Atlantic Crossings – Forms of Temporary Labour Migration around 1900

Dr. Agnes Gehbald, Philipp Horn, Rea Vogt

Datum: 19. und 20.10.2023
Ort: Universität Bern, WBK/UniS

Am zweitägigen Workshop an der Universität Bern haben rund 20 Personen teilgenommen. Ausgewählte Beiträge werden in einem englischsprachigen Themenheft veröffentlicht werden.


Derechos humanos en Chile

Derechos humanos en Chile – pasado y presente a 50 años después del golpe de estado

Haydee Oberreuter Umazabal, PD Dr. Stephan Scheuzger

Datum: 23. Oktober 2023
Ort: Universität Bern

Diskussionsveranstaltung zum Thema „Derechos humanos en Chile – pasado y presente a 50 años después del golpe de estado” (“Menschenrechte in Chile: Vergangenheit und Gegenwart 50 Jahre nach dem Militärputsch) mit Haydee Oberrauter Umazabal. Haydee Oberreuter war Opfer der Repression der Militärdiktatur und nach dem Rückkehr zur Demokratie viele Jahre lang Menschenrechtsaktivistin in Chile. Von 2022 bis 2023 war sie Staatssekretärin für Menschenrechte unter der Regierung von Gabriel Boric.

Der Diskussion mit Haydee Oberreuter ging ein historischer Vortrag von PD Dr. Stephan Scheuzger voraus zu den Menschenrechtsverbrechen unter der Militärdiktatur und deren Aufarbeitung in der wiederhergestellten Demokratie.


Conflict and conflict transformation

Conflict and conflict transformation in the Ukrainian-Russian context and other conflicts in the former Soviet space: a critical view on the developments before and after February 2022

Dr. habil. Carmen Scheide

Datum: 10. November 2023
Ort: Universität Bern

Am Workshop an der Universität Bern haben rund 20 Personen teilgenommen.

Public lecture

The Conflict in Chechnya

Frozen and Shelved?

Dr. Cécile Druey

Datum: 28.–29. November 2023
Ort: Universität Bern

This public lecture and scientific workshop assemble international key experts on the North Caucasus/Chechnya. It aims to unpack the complicated protracted conflict in Chechnya, with a special focus on the role of historical memory. In addition to historical reflections, the workshop will also address questions about the present, in particular the consequences of the Russian attack on Ukraine for the situation in the North Caucasus since 2022. The present workshop builds upon a first meeting of the working group “On conflicts and Peace in Chechnya”, held in December 2021 in Bern. Most of its participants have also contributed as authors to the anthology "Fighting for Self-Determination, Participation and Control in Post-Soviet Chechnya", which is about to be published by Peter Lang Publishers under the editorship of the Institute of History. The workshop thus also serves to discuss the book’s content and to ask questions and exchange between authors. During the meeting, each author-participant should please prepare a 5-10 min input to present the main arguments of his or her article; each input will be followed by a short discussion. The general discussion at the end of the workshop will be dedicated to the changed situation in the North Caoucasus since the last meeting of the working group in late 2021, and to the impact of the Russian-Ukrainian war on research on in Chechnya/the North Caucasus since February 2022.


Public lecture